Strategy Consulting

Strategy Consulting

Breakthrough results happen only if the strategy is described in an easily understandable language to everyone in the organization followed by measuring and managing the strategic outcomes. Measuring and managing the strategic outcomes will ensure the shareholders’ expectations are not only met but exceeded.

Arience strategy consulting helps organizations to achieve:

  • Aligned organization
  • A motivated and empowered workforce
  • Delighted customers
  • Satisfied shareholders
  • Alignment of key drivers
  • Easy communication of the strategy

Services Include:

  • An awareness campaign for the importance of aligning the key drivers of an organization.
  • Formulation of Mission of the organization
  • Creation of a set of Values – the behavioural guidelines – for the organization.
  • Creation of the Vision of the organization.
  • Development of a Strategy Map to articulate the strategy of the organization to achieve market leadership.
  • Building an organizational level Balanced Scorecard to measure and manage strategic outcomes.

Strategy Framework:

  • Mission Statement: A Mission statement represents the reasons why an organization exists. Professionals will develop a Mission statement for the organization.
  • Values: At this stage, professionals will recognize the important role Values play in organizations and will develop a list of values.
  • Vision Statement: If Mission statement represents the purpose of existence, the Vision statement articulates the future state of the organization. Professionals will cast a Vision statement for the organization.
  • Strategy Map: At this stage, a strategy of the organization can be described in a clearly understandable way by linking the shareholder expectations to the financial, customer, internal processes and learning and growth perspectives. Professionals will create a Strategy Map for their organization.
  • Balanced Scorecard: If one wants to improve something, it has to be measured and managed. At this stage, each strategic objective from the Strategy Map will be converted into Lead and Lag Measures, KPIs, Initiatives and Action Plans. The performance tracking of each measure in an integrated way will be developed. The outcome of the session will be a fully developed Balanced Scorecard for the organization.